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600 dreth

January 20, 2015

Well Hello Hello – it has been a several weeks since I have found time to sit and write a few words here on my blog, but when I have had time, my fingers have sat still on the keys, and I have not known what to write.

This post is also my 600th posting. Beginning back in July 2010, it has been a    4.5 year journal-ling journey. I guess I thought it deserved a big fan fare, something momentous to be said, a long and exciting look back through the years. But I never actually gained the inspiration to do any of that. And so the 600dreth post sat waiting.

And I want to post about stuff, so I will need to be content with just posting the usual and move on, as I think the celebration of 600 was my stumbling block. Interestingly when I googled 600 picture – in anticipation of providing a picture suitable for the occasion – the ol google images displayed things from a car, to a plane, to an omelette, to an obese person, a keyboard, motorbike and a toad. Weird. But true.

Now that my perceived stumbling block is hurdled…. onto a mini catchup….

The usual activities have taken over my days – Christmas, river holidays, New years, children on school holidays {who are currently playing school as I type…they must be missing it}, a family business moving to/renovating a new location, exercise, eating {too much} and enjoying the summer days.

It has not been as hot as other years here. I am not complaining at all. The heat really got to me last year, so I am happy for it to remain at a lower temperature.

We did have a major bushfire two weeks back, and only about 12km’s away from our home. We were probably not in any danger, but it is scary when suburbs you know like the back of your hand are being evacuated. Many friends left their homes in the early hours of one morning, and a few even lost sheds, animals and homes. It has been a sad and difficult time for all involved. There has been a huge amount of community support, which is always so heartening, and the girls and I attended a Ute muster the other day, which was a fundraiser for the cause.


Not the best photo – but it shows the band on the back of a semi trailer…. in true ute muster style.


We are now the proud owners {are you really owners of cats…?? they own you I am sure} of these two little kitties…


Curled up on the top landing of their cat scratching pole – Day 2… and now only one of them can sleep up here.


They are super cute! Benjamin {ginger} and Coco {tabby}. They are Miss A and Miss L’s respectively, so I guess that makes us grandparents. Having two cats is a first for us and I was a little worried, but they do keep each other entertained. It’s the double the amount of poo and kitty litter that troubles me.

We have decided that a move to another home in another suburb is on the ‘to do’ list for us. Many reasons are making us want to pack our lives into small boxes and move it all less than 15km away…. and I know I will totally regret it all…. but those reasons will not go away – better schools, better area’s for the kids to ride, walk, and play, and more space around our house. Who knows how long it will all take, but we have begun the sort out and I am currently photographing all our old memorabilia to store as digital files rather than boxes of crap… here are some of my old drivers license’s that I have kept…

licence pic

why???….but now they are still able to be looked at, and not cluttering up my cupboards. I have only just begun but am making lots of progress and am very chuffed with myself to have thrown so much away. De-clutter my life!!

J celebrated his 39th birthday the other day –


we went to the beach, had chicken and chips and went for a long walk. Glorious way to make almost an end of an era. Mine is coming up shortly….


Hmmm… I am right in the middle of PMS-ing at the moment so if this all comes across as self-depreciating then that is why…

I joined Weight Watchers again late last year – the week or two before chrissy…. always a bad time, but then again there is never a good time. Uni was over, I was free, I was feeling gross, I needed weekly accountability.
I weighed in at almost my heaviest weight {from 8 years ago…} SIGH… and holy guacamole batman!!! Never a nice thing to see written out on a little book. I vowed to not get 3 months into my WW journey and be heavier than I began. I would DO this! Well, I am almost 2 months in and am heavier than I began. Fuck.

I don’t loose weight easily. The .500 – 1kg weekly loses for me never happen – not sure why – just not my body make-up. I am okay with this, it is something I have watched over time and have learnt to live with it. I know I have said all this before…..What I find frustrating is that I work hard at eating right, at moving more, at drinking water, at watching my portions – but what is the hardest is that one meal “off plan” or higher in calories {read chicken and chips/pizza/Chinese food} will put me up 1kg or 1.5kg – which then take me 3-4 weeks or even 2 months to lose…cos I have eaten one of those meals again and the cycle begins… grrr.

It’s frustrating and it annoys me. I also find at TTOM I am very bloated and feel large for around 10-12 of the cycle…. almost half, so I spend half my month feeling huge, looking huge and weighing more and the other two-ish weeks working hard at removing it. I really feel like I am stuck in a never ending cycle that is very hard to break.

I am in that place right now… feeling very round…. I have a weigh in tonight, but will go to the meeting and sit and listen but not weigh. I feel that a number will be the catalyst of who knows what. And I don’t want to find out. I need the meeting though, I need the discussion and the renewing of strength that the they give me. I am determined to fight this, and come out at the end of 2015 feeling and looking so much better, and I have orchestrated my life {less uni and work} so that I might be able to concentrate on this more.

Another thing I have this year is a Fitbit. I got it for Christmas, and have worn it everyday since. It is a great little motivator, and most days I am walking 10,000 steps. Whether completely accurate or not, I still know I am moving more. Since Dec 27, when I finally had a chance to charge it and put it on – I have stepped 199,492 steps = 8673 each day {23 days}. Which is def more than I was doing last year.

I am still attending my gym and love it there so much –  the {empty} change room looked like this tonight, so pretty and peaceful in there!


I know I can do more each day, so want this average to increase. I am also trying to begin to get up earlier…. as when school goes back next week, I dont want it to be a HUGE shock to my system. Exercise in the AM can then be re-added. Therefore moving more.


My head feels clearer now. I really needed to offload those swirling angry frustrating thoughts….

And I really need to move off this computer, 1) my fitbit says I have only stepped 1900 today {it’s 2pm!} and 2) I promised myself that I would clean up my study today…. and have not even started!

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